Despite being one of the largest religious communities in Oxford, the Hindu community is the
only one which has neither public temple nor its own community centre. In the 2011 UK Census,
Oxfordshire had almost 3800 people who declared themselves as Hindus; almost 10 years on the
number is estimated to be close to 10,000! Our growing Hindu Community in Oxford and the County
need permanent space where Hindu culture can be celebrated, learnt and shared with the widely
diverse communities in Oxfordshire.
Hindu families, newly resident in the City and the County, want to celebrate the cultural and
spiritual events in the yearly Hindu Calendar, familiarise their children with their culture & language
(thus improving their self-esteem & sense of identity) as well as share it with the wider community in Oxfordshire.
Older, often isolated residents, need a place to socialise/mix with friends from their own/ wider
community & improve their access to services.
OHTCCP runs a variety of successful, inclusive community events, but these are restricted to a few events p.a.
without a permanent space, Our own premises would really increase our contribution to all sections of the
community offering cultural events/ classes/services under one roof.